June Goals

I didn’t do a review of the goals I set for myself in April (which probably means I crashed and burned) and I didn’t even post any goals for May (which backs up that assessment). I also took a bit of mental health break for the first half of May but now that that’s over and we’re into June, I’d best get myself organized.

As it turns out I do have a few things to do, as I mentioned in previous posts.

  • Post new reviews to Booknest.

My column on Booknest is now live so I have to get some content to start filling it up. I had one ready to go and posted that yesterday but I did agree to contribute 3 reviews per month so there’s a little ways to go yet. Fortunately, I have a few prospects that I think will fit in there nicely.

  • Masterclass coursework.

As I mentioned in the post about my last birthday, one gift I received was Neil Gaiman’s Masterclass on the Art of Storytelling. I watched the intro and part of the second video but I haven’t started any of the exercises yet. I should remedy that as soon as possible. True, there’s no specific rush but the longer I leave it…

  • Daily interaction on Twitter.

This was something I did miss while I was taking a break from things. So I’ve started back doing the daily writing prompts and a couple of the hashtag games.

One thing about that though. I did decide that whatever writing I did as a result of those would be for other pieces, rather than for House in Exile. My thinking is the more of book 3 I put out, there greater the danger for spoilers for anyone who might (someday) read books 1 & 2. Plus, the more fragments I make for it, the harder I’m making it for myself to get what I already have organised.

  • Work on House in Exile.

Yes, I know I’m being vague with this one but, to be honest, I’m struggling with this for whatever reason. So, at least for now, I’m going to consider getting anything on it done a success. Might be a low bar to clear but I can always build on it.

Well, that’s should occupy the next three and a half weeks.

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